Accessibility Help


Tabs: Use arrow keys to switch between active tabs
Grids: Use arrow keys to navigate rows/columns/cells and use space to select
Calendars: Use arrows keys to navigate and enter to select a date
Modals: Use ESC key to exit
Multiple Select: Use arrow keys to navigate, enter to select, and ESC to close

Screen reader

NVDA: Google Chrome, Edge, and Mozilla Firefox are the recommended browsers, along with the latest version of NVDA. For the best experience, NVDA should be in focus mode.
JAWS: Google Chrome Edge, and Mozilla Firefox are the recommended browsers, along with the latest version of JAWS. For the best experience, JAWS should be in forms mode, or the virtual cursor should be disabled.
VoiceOver: Google Chrome and Safari are the recommended browsers. If you use Safari instead of Chrome, turn on "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in advanced settings. For the best experience, turn off VoiceOver's Quick Nav feature.

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