Harris County
Houston, TX 77072
Schools: 48
Teachers: 2966
Students: 40329

Capital outlay: $43,272,000

Total revenue: $559,813,000
Avg revenue per student: $13,417
Total expenses: $558,693,000
Avg expenses per student: $13,390
Source: NCES 2020-2021
Elementary Schools
Chancellor El PK - 5
Collins El PK - 5
Youens El PK - 5
Middle Schools
Alief Middle 6 - 8
Albright Middle 7 - 8
Holub Middle 7 - 8
Killough Middle 7 - 8
O'Donnell Middle 7 - 8
Olle Middle 7 - 8
High Schools
Alief Learning Ctr (6-12) 6 - 12
Alief Early College H S 9 - 12
Crossroads 9 - 12
Elsik H S 9 - 12
Hastings H S 9 - 12
Kerr H S 9 - 12
Taylor H S 9 - 12
Other Schools
Alexander El PK - 4
Bush El PK - 4
Chambers El PK - 4
Cummings El PK - 4
Dedre' & Ella Jefferson Early Learning Center PK - PK
Hearne El PK - 4
Hicks El PK - 4
Kennedy El PK - 4
Mahanay El PK - 4
Maria Del Carmen Martinez Early Learning Center PK - PK
Martin El PK - 4
Outley El PK - 4
Petrosky El PK - 4
Rees El PK - 4
Smith El PK - 4
Sneed El PK - 4
Admin Services KG - 12
Best El KG - 4
Boone El KG - 4
Heflin El KG - 4
Holmquist El KG - 4
Horn El KG - 4
Landis El KG - 4
Liestman El KG - 4
Alief Isd J J A E P 5 - 12
Budewig Int 5 - 6
Klentzman Int 5 - 6
Mata Int 5 - 6
Miller Int 5 - 6
Owens Int 5 - 6
Youngblood Int 5 - 6
Alief Learning Ctr (K-6) 3rd Grade - 5

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