Minnehaha County
Sioux Falls, SD
Schools: 43
Teachers: 1683
Students: 25123
Bonds for Sioux Falls School District 49-5
Capital outlay: $71,418,000
Total revenue: | $310,514,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $12,486 |
Total expenses: | $329,469,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $13,249 |
Elementary Schools
Anne Sullivan Elementary - 20 | PK - 5 |
Cleveland Elementary - 14 | PK - 5 |
Discovery Elementary - 26 | PK - 5 |
Garfield Elementary - 19 | PK - 5 |
Harvey Dunn Elementary - 54 | PK - 5 |
Hawthorne Elementary - 56 | PK - 5 |
Hayward Elementary - 38 | PK - 5 |
John Harris Elementary - 23 | PK - 5 |
Laura B. Anderson Elementary - 10 | PK - 5 |
Rf Pettigrew Elementary - 17 | PK - 5 |
Robert Frost Elementary - 18 | PK - 5 |
Sonia Sotomayor Elementary - 65 | PK - 5 |
Susan B. Anthony Elementary - 66 | PK - 5 |
Terry Redlin Elementary - 11 | PK - 5 |
All City Elementary - 50 | KG - 5 |
Bridges At Horace Mann - 52 | KG - 5 |
Elementary Immersion Center - 43 | KG - 5 |
Eugene Field A+ Elementary - 16 | KG - 5 |
John F. Kennedy Elementary - 57 | KG - 5 |
Laura Wilder Elementary - 31 | KG - 5 |
Lowell Elementary - 28 | KG - 5 |
Oscar Howe Elementary - 58 | KG - 5 |
Renberg Elementary - 42 | KG - 5 |
Rosa Parks Elementary - 15 | KG - 5 |
Middle Schools
High Schools
Cte - 37 | 9 - 12 |
Jefferson High School - 67 | 9 - 12 |
Lincoln High School - 02 | 9 - 12 |
New Technology High School - 30 | 9 - 12 |
Roosevelt High School - 03 | 9 - 12 |
Washington High School - 01 | 9 - 12 |
Other Schools
Arise Shelter Care - 71 | KG - 12 |
Avera Behavioral Health Program - 82 | KG - 12 |
Summit Oaks-Day - 40 | KG - 12 |
Summit Oaks-Residential - 48 | KG - 12 |
Avera Adolescent Addiction Care Program - 81 | 6 - 12 |
Flex - 45 | 6 - 12 |
Structured Teaching - 12 | 6 - 12 |
Success Academy - 39 | 6 - 12 |
Community Campus - 41 | 12 - 12 |
Challenge Center - 51 | 2nd Grade - 5 |
The Learning Lab Early Childhood - 74 | |
Virtual Academy - 90 |
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