Tulsa County
Owasso, OK 74055
Schools: 13
Teachers: 531
Students: 9802

Capital outlay: $14,644,000

Total revenue: $92,202,000
Avg revenue per student: $10,205
Total expenses: $96,088,000
Avg expenses per student: $10,635
Source: NCES 2020-2021
Elementary Schools
Ator Es PK - 5
Barnes Es PK - 5
Hayward Smith Es PK - 5
Larkin Bailey Es PK - 5
Lucille Ellingwood Morrow Es PK - 5
Mills Es PK - 5
Northeast Es PK - 5
Pamela Hodson Es PK - 5
Stone Canyon Es PK - 5
High Schools
Owasso Hs 9 - 12

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