Wayne County
Westland, MI
Schools: 16
Teachers: 625
Students: 9773
Bonds for Wayne-Westland Community School District
Capital outlay: $30,393,000
Total revenue: | $167,947,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $17,400 |
Total expenses: | $183,491,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $19,011 |
Elementary Schools
Albert Schweitzer Elementary School | PK - 5 |
Alexander Hamilton Elementary School | PK - 5 |
David Hicks School | PK - 5 |
Pd Graham Elementary School | PK - 5 |
Wildwood Elementary School | PK - 5 |
Eugene B Elliott Elem School | KG - 5 |
Hoover Elementary School | KG - 5 |
Rooseveltmcgrath Elem School | KG - 6 |
Taftgalloway Elementary School | KG - 5 |
Thomas A Edison Elem School | KG - 5 |
Walkerwinter Elementary School | KG - 5 |
Middle Schools
Adams Middle School | 6 - 8 |
Adlai Stevenson Middle School | 6 - 8 |
Benjamin Franklin Middle School | 6 - 11 |
High Schools
Wayne Memorial High School | 6 - 12 |
John Glenn High School | 8 - 12 |
Other Schools
Waynewestland Innovative Academy | 8 - 12 |
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