Wayne County
Detroit, MI 48202
Schools: 107
Teachers: 3019
Students: 48548

Bonds for Detroit Public Schools Community District

Capital outlay: $22,347,000

Total revenue: $932,712,000
Avg revenue per student: $19,120
Total expenses: $872,308,000
Avg expenses per student: $17,882
Source: NCES 2020-2021
Elementary Schools
Bagley Elementary School Of Journalism And Technology PK - 6
Bennett Elementary School PK - 5
Bow Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Burns Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Carleton Elementary School PK - 5
Carstens Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Charles Wright Academy Of Arts And Science PK - 8
Chrysler Elementary School PK - 5
Coleman A Young Elementary School PK - 5
Cooke Stem Academy PK - 6
Davison Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Dixon Elementary School PK - 8
Dossin Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Durfee Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Earhart Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Edison Elementary School PK - 5
Emerson Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Gardner Elementary School PK - 5
Gompers Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Greenfield Union Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Harms Elementary School PK - 5
Hutchinson Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Mackenzie Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Mann Learning Community PK - 5
Mark Twain Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Marquette Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Maybury Elementary School PK - 5
Munger Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Nichols Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Noble Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Nolan Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Pasteur Elementary School PK - 6
Priest Elementarymiddle School PK - 9
Roberto Clemente Learning Academy PK - 5
Schulze Academy For Technology And Arts PK - 8
Spain Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Thirkell Elementarymiddle School PK - 8
Thurgood Marshall Elementary School PK - 8
Vernor Elementary School PK - 8
Wayne Elementary School PK - 5
Barton Elementary School KG - 5
Mary Mcleod Bethune Elementarymiddle School KG - 8
Pulaski Elementarymiddle School KG - 8

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