Worcester County
Newark, MD 21841
Schools: 14
Teachers: 598
Students: 6841

Bonds for Worcester County Public Schools

Capital outlay: $9,397,000

Total revenue: $143,268,000
Avg revenue per student: $21,348
Total expenses: $140,004,000
Avg expenses per student: $20,862
Source: NCES 2020-2021
Elementary Schools
Buckingham Elementary PK - 4
Ocean City Elementary PK - 4
Pocomoke Elementary PK - 3rd Grade
Showell Elementary PK - 4
Snow Hill Elementary PK - 3rd Grade
Middle Schools
Pocomoke Middle 4 - 8
Snow Hill Middle 4 - 8
Stephen Decatur Middle 7 - 8
High Schools
Pocomoke High 9 - 12
Snow Hill High 9 - 12
Stephen Decatur High 9 - 12
Worcester Technical High School Ungraded - Ungraded

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