Ventura County
Fillmore, CA
Schools: 9
Teachers: 180
Students: 3811
Bonds for Fillmore Unified
Capital outlay: $18,027,000
Total revenue: | $73,109,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $20,162 |
Total expenses: | $75,755,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $20,892 |
Elementary Schools
Mountain Vista | KG - 5 |
Piru Elementary | KG - 5 |
Rio Vista Elementary | KG - 5 |
San Cayetano Elementary | KG - 5 |
Middle Schools
Fillmore Middle | 6 - 8 |
High Schools
Fillmore Senior High | 9 - 12 |
Sierra High | 9 - 12 |
Other Schools
Heritage Valley Independent Study | KG - 12 |
Sespe |
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