Placer County
Lincoln, CA
Schools: 14
Teachers: 331
Students: 7593
Bonds for Western Placer Unified
Capital outlay: $52,358,000
Total revenue: | $134,080,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $18,935 |
Total expenses: | $150,592,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $21,267 |
Elementary Schools
Carlin C. Coppin Elementary | KG - 5 |
Creekside Oaks Elementary | KG - 5 |
First Street Elementary | KG - 5 |
Foskett Ranch Elementary | KG - 5 |
Lincoln Crossing Elementary | KG - 5 |
Scott M. Leaman | KG - 5 |
Sheridan Elementary | KG - 5 |
Twelve Bridges Elementary | KG - 5 |
Middle Schools
Glen Edwards Middle | 6 - 8 |
Twelve Bridges Middle | 6 - 8 |
High Schools
Lincoln High | 9 - 12 |
Phoenix High (Continuation) | 9 - 12 |
Other Schools
Atlas Learning Academy | KG - 12 |
Twelve Bridges High | 9 - 12 |
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