Maricopa County
Phoenix, AZ
Schools: 23
Teachers: 644
Students: 14338
Bonds for Cartwright Elementary District (4282)
Capital outlay: $50,723,000
Total revenue: | $174,026,000 |
Avg revenue per student: | $11,672 |
Total expenses: | $215,307,000 |
Avg expenses per student: | $14,440 |
Elementary Schools
Bret R. Tarver Leadership Academy | PK - 6 |
G. Frank Davidson | PK - 6 |
Heatherbrae School | PK - 6 |
Holiday Park School | PK - 6 |
John F. Long | PK - 6 |
Justine Spitalny Ste3am School | PK - 8 |
Manuel Pena Jr. School | PK - 6 |
Peralta School | PK - 6 |
Sunset School | PK - 6 |
Tomahawk School | PK - 6 |
Middle Schools
Other Schools
Byron A. Barry School | PK - PK |
Cartwright Early Childhood Center | PK - PK |
Cartwright School | PK - 8 |
Charles W. Harris School | PK - 8 |
Frank Borman School | PK - 8 |
Glenn L. Downs Social Sciences Academy | PK - 8 |
Palm Lane | PK - 8 |
Starlight Park College Preparatory And Community School | PK - 8 |
Cartwright Virtual Academy | KG - 8 |
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